Thursday, May 24, 2007


Good day dear friends.
Here is our study guide for today:
Thursday: Judges 17, 18, 19These chapters show the degree of lawlessness that had come to the land. Describe a period in a nation's or a region's history that might be compared to what you have read.
Every country needs a great leader. The leader by his or her leadership skills should be a person of compassion and faith. Ideally, a great leader should be a believer in God and live a life that reflects that faith. Please note I am talking about all countries and not just ours. In a very real sense the faith and direction the leader pursues, the country is more apt to follow. A strong leader will enact ways to enforce laws that should be based on a compassionate moral code to help people respect one another, respect life, and seek ways to provide a better life for all citizens. The readings today show, especially chapter 19, what can happen to a country where there is no strong central leader, and where devotion to God is lax, if existent at all.
The brutal acts of chapter 19 prove this point. Selfishness, lust, sexual sins, and more, were the order of the day. Respect of others, respect for persons was none existent.
Of course, one's moral bearings should not depend on our leaders, especially when not all leaders have good moral bearings themselves. What does that mean? We should vote in our hearts to be the people who try to hold ourselves, our families, and those whom we love, accountable to God and what God expects from us.
PRAYER: Loving God, we thank You for freedom. This weekend is a time to remember those who laid down their lives for our nation's freedom. We pray for peace and a quick end to violence in Iraq, and all corners of the world where there is an absence of peace. Help me to keep my bearings on You. Guide me and my loved ones to obedience. I pray in Jesus' name, amen.
Have a great and blessed day!