Tuesday, May 22, 2007


Good day dear friends.
Here is our study guide for today:
Tuesday: Judges 12, 13, 14Have you ever wondered about Samson’s parents and what they were like? They would qualify for being relatively unknown heroes behind the scenes.
Raising children is a hero's job. It is a difficult but rewarding task. Imagine having the chore of raising a child who was to be known for his strength, as in being the strongest man in the world. We know from the reading that they were both God-fearing people. Both of them were persons of prayer. Both trusted God for all things including the need for a child. Samson's birth was an answered prayer. To raise him as God instructed showed that both parents were obedient to the Lord God. Samson could not cut his hair and if you know the rest of the story you know that his strength came from his obedience to God in this manner.
The Bible does not say much about his childhood, we can only imagine. We do get a picture of a stubborn, self-centered child, who demanded and got, his way. In today's reading we see that when it came to marriage he made his own decision and was not open to his parents' advice; he was set on the woman he had seen and that's whom he married.
To raise a child today, one needs to be like Samson's parents in the positive ways of prayer, trust, and obedience to God. And through prayer and obedience to God we should find how to lovingly discipline our children for them to become the adults that would please and serve God. This would apply even to helping your grown children raise their children. A God-centered child becomes a God-centered adult. And a God-centered adult receives and is, a blessing to all.
PRAYER: Loving Father, thank you for all You share. I pray a blessing on my children and the children of my children. Help me to be obedient and trusting of You so that I can share all I can with them. I pray this in Jesus' name, amen.
Have a great and blessed day in the Lord!