Wednesday, May 23, 2007


Good day dear friends.
PLEASE DON'T FORGET TONIGHT IS OUR PRAYER SERVICE AT 6 P.M. God has been blessing our ministry tremendously by way of those who gather faithfully to pray. We meet only for about thirty minutes and see the results and blessings God provides for us as we pray. Make time for God!
Here is our study guide for today:Wednesday: Judges 15, 16What three or four lessons, negative and positive, do you learn from Samson’s life?
The life of Samson was an interesting, but sad one. He is believed to have been the strongest man who ever lived. He was also perhaps one of the most careless judges of Israel. The first lesson one can learn from Samson, a negative one, is that one must control one's anger. At his wedding he lost his temper because he himself had given away a riddle that he used to taunt his bride and her kinsfolk. Lesson two is that he got so angry he killed people and destroyed property! Of course, in the context of Israelite and Philistinian relations, this was expected and honored, for the Israelites hated the "uncircumcised" Philistines, and any victory of death and/or destruction against them was a good thing in the Israelites' eyes.
Lesson three is that Samson had a weakness for the ladies. He lived a life that showed no moral restraint. Besides taking lives, he also took women, a prostitute then Delilah. All while still being obedient to the vow of not cutting his hair!
Samson's life can be compared to ours when we say, "Well, at least in this regard I am being faithful to God!" We may be the worse person out there, doing all sorts of sinful things, but we justify it because we go to church. "I spend one hour of my busy week in God's house!" Yet the other hours are spent doing things that take us away from God.
If we make a vow before the Lord that vow should be a daily reminder to stay with God. Our vow should include the prayers and devotion needed to keep us centered on the Lord.
PRAYER: Loving God, let my vow be to be a person of prayer and obedience to You. Speak to my heart and situation and let me become a person whose life models the true relationship one can have with You. I ask this in Jesus' name, amen.
Have a great and blessed day in the Lord!