Wednesday, March 03, 2010


Loving God of all mercy, look down with mercy upon this dear reader's life and needs; in Christ Jesus' name I pray, amen.

One favorite Bible verse for many is found in Jeremiah 32:27 See, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh; is anything too hard for me?"

Nellie and I enjoyed a nice, long conversation last night after our worship council met at our church and as we drove to San Antonio. On the way we covered all sorts of topics but we were discussing some of the miracles in the Bible and what a preacher might say about Jesus and the unexplainable yet wonderful miracles, such as using mud to cure a blind man. My mind was tired, it had been a long day and I knew the drive was going to take all of my concentration, but I prayed that God might give me a word or two to discuss with this my loving wife, just what He has shared in His word, and I said, well, we first take it a face value: God did something awesome and something quite unexplainable. To the sophisticated mind it can't be done. And to the scientific mind it can't be explained. But for those who trust God and believe that nothing is impossible or difficult for God the Creator, who used mud to create us, a miracle that restores sight is awesome and quite welcome to the one receiving it. I reminded her of a dear Sunday school student in our class that was a Messianic Jew, well versed in Jewish scripture and other writings who has told our class several times that for the Jews awaiting the arrival of the Messiah, the miracle that would convince them He was the anointed one, he would restore sight to a man born blind.

So here is this verse that speaks to that and to the things we face: "Is anything too hard for (God)?" The answer is no, nothing is too hard or difficult for God. We're the ones saddled with the hard things, like impatience. "When, Lord will I get the job I've been looking for?" Or "When will my loved one be healed?" And several times this week I have either read or heard about how more patient humanity has to be as we face what we face during these days. May this verse serve as a reminder of just who God is and just who we are. May we say as we start this day that with God with us, we will discover that nothing is too hard for God.

PRAYER: Loving God may I find in this verse that which I need for today. May my outlook and perspective be a positive, energetic one. I ask this in Christ Jesus' precious name, amen.

Have a great and blessed day in the Lord!

Eradio Valverde