Thursday, September 27, 2012

Focus on Task

1 Timothy 2:7 This and this only has been my appointed work: getting this news to those who have never heard of God, and explaining how it works by simple faith and plain truth. (The Message)

My daughter, after a discussion about their budget, jokingly told our five-year old granddaughter, "You should get a job." My granddaughter replied, "I already have a job at school stacking up chairs." "Yes, continued the mom, but a job that pays you." "I love my job so much that I would pay them 20 bucks to let me stack up chairs." How often have you said that about your work? The Apostle Paul, as he continues to prepare Timothy for this great work of sharing the Good News, seems to be saying that same thing, "I love what I'm doing so much that I would pay for the privilege of sharing the Good News." Have you ever said that about your faith? Paul, Timothy, me, and you, have the same task, getting the news of God's love to those who have not yet heard. The most powerful evangelistic tool continues to be mouth to mouth sharing of the goodness of God. When we don't participate in that, we see the results.

This week I have heard great news from some of my pastors and their work, they are bringing people to Jesus Christ. One is a retired pastor in a small church in a small community, and last Sunday, being faithful to her task, she brought a young man to a new relationship with God. "Saved," she called it. "Great news," I called it. Another pastor received six new members to his church, with four being baptized as Professions of Faith, that is, new converts to our faith. We have God's permission to do just that. What is holding us back?

PRAYER: Loving God, give me wisdom to see opportunities of sharing when they come. Give me boldness of heart to open my mouth to share at those opportunities. Give me wisdom so that my words be inspired by You and the results be those of doing my job of sharing Your love. I pray this in Christ Jesus' precious and powerful name, amen.

Have a great and blessed day in the Lord!

Eradio Valverde