Tuesday, September 25, 2012


1 Timothy 2: 2 Pray especially for rulers and their governments to rule well so we can be quietly about our business of living simply, in humble contemplation. 3 This is the way our Savior God wants us to live. (The Message)

Pray especially for those who rule over us, and their governments? Prayer is a tme of honest conversation with God. God knows our heart and knows how we feel. Prayer is also a time for confession and "coming clean" of that which we feel or think. God knows all things even before we pray. It is good to share with God all those things during prayer. It blesses God to know we are trying and that we need God's help in our daily walk. We sometimes do not like those who rule over us. We sometimes do not like their governments. Sometimes we view other nations and their governments as our enemies and wish them harm and evil. Yet, Paul knew that praying for rulers was important to the work of spreading the Gospel. He knew that the Gospel had both friends and foes in high places. They could start or stop the spread of the Good News. They could bless it or try to curse it with a ruling. Paul is asking that we pray for these "rulers snd their governments to rule well." Nowhere does Paul say, "Pray that God strike them dead!" We don't find Jesus saying, "Pray that God destroy those governments that oppose our work." Jesus' message was about love and how God loves us all. In fact, the third verse says that "This is the way our Savior God wants us to live." Paul knew and had experienced the injustices and prejudices against those who might come with different teachings especially from those in authority. Paul knew that Jesus would have us pray even for our enemies, so why would praying for rulers be a bad thing? How then should we pray for rulers? We pray for God's will to be done. We pray for God's blessing be upon those who rule, that wisdom and direction be given them. Yes, even for those rulers with whom we don't share ideologies. The prayers that Paul wanted lifted up be those that allow believers to go "quietly about our business of living simply, in humble contemplation." The work of sharing God's message never stops. If a government opposes it, it goes underground but it does not stop. If public worship and public witness is prohibitied, attendance at those worship services increases. What's our excuse?

We must love God enough to lift up a prayer for those with whom we do not agree. We have to ask God's blessing be upon all rulers and all governments. May they understand their need to be about justice and compassion to all.

PRAYER: Loving God, bless all who rule and all who are in government. May they rule in ways that are pleasing to You and assist in helping with the needs of injustice and oppression. May our hearts love You enough to pray for all rulers, even those we don't like. May prayer truly be a time of love. May we receive the love we lack as we talk with You, Source of Love. We pray in Jesus' precious and powerful name, amen.

Have a great and blessed day in the Lord.

Eradio Valverde