Thursday, August 02, 2007


Good day dear friends.
Here is our study guide for today:
Thursday: Nehemiah 9, 10On what basis did Ezra make his appeal to the people for repentance?
Ezra simply had to remind the people of all that God had done for them. The message was simple: We've messed up, we don't deserve God, yet God still loves us and has not abandoned us, why are we carrying on the way we are? We should be getting right with God!
Interestingly enough, that is my story and your story as well. God has done so much for us, and what have we done? Doubted, feared, wandered off, believed other things, done other things, haven't done the things we should; and it can be summed up the same way: We've messed up, we don't deserve God, yet God still loves us and has not abandoned us, why are we carrying on the way we are? We should be getting right with God.
Take a moment to think on your immediate spiritual past. What path have you followed? Is it a path of faithfulness and righteousness or has it been one of something opposite? If you're honest you know it's closer to the latter than the former. God calls us home. A home of love and protection, of grace and blessings, if we would just turn to Him. What's holding you back?
PRAYER: Loving God, thank You for not giving up on me. Let me find my way home to You right now. Let my life witness to the peace and joy you have ready for me and others. I pray this in Jesus' name, amen.
Have a great and blessed day in the Lord!