Thursday, August 16, 2007


Good day dear friends.
We had a wonderful prayer and praise service last night. United As One, the praise band from El Buen Pastor came and blessed us with their music.
Today starting at 9:30 until noon, if you are free, we need volunteers to help incoming freshmen move into their dorms. This is a great form of evangelism and witness. Ice cold water will be provided for the volunteers as well as the joy of helping someone not expecting any help at all.
Also, today is the day Kit and Leslie travel back to Wilmore, KY for the memorial service of the young man killed in a traffic accident. This young man was active in Kit's youth group when he worked at Wilmore UMC. Pray for their safety and ministry.
Here is today's study guide:
Thursday: Job 29, 30, 31List the elements in Job’s life as he himself summarizes his case in these chapters
God took care of Job. God held a lamp as Job walked through darkness. God was Job's friend. Job still enjoyed his children. Life seemed easy when it was "going (his) way." Job enjoyed respect and honor from everyone in his city. Job stopped robbers, Job did things for others. Job lived a life of caring and loving for all people. Life was good.
Job even lists the things that he could have done, but didn't. He makes a list of those sins that consume and destroy people and families and he says he is blameless before God, yet the question remains, why did this bad happen to a good person?
Is God taking care of you? Is God holding a lamp as you walk through darkness? Would you consider God to be your friend? Are you enjoying your children and going out of your way to help others? Are you enjoying respect and honor from others? Are you spiritually clean and living a life above reproach? And still you face challenges and difficulties? Do you still love and trust God?
PRAYER: Loving God speak to my heart. Awaken me to the reality of faith and the need to live a life that blesses You and others. I pray this in Christ Jesus' precious Name, amen.
Have a great and blessed day in the Lord!