Monday, August 13, 2007


Good day dear friends.
Here is our study guide for today:
Monday: Job 19, 20, 21Job declares his hope in a redeemer - specifically, a kinsman -redeemer. What light do Leviticus 25:25 and Ruth 2:20 throw on the role of kinsman-redeemer?
There is nothing like a relative coming to the rescue in our time of need. Both the Leviticus and Ruth passages speak of those who care enough for kinfolk, they come to their rescue and share with them that which will see them through. In the same way, Job shares how his plight is so terrible, no one pays him any attention. One has to imagine that he was so hideous that even "street urchins" paid him no mind. He mentions that family and even house-guests have abandoned him. What a sad situation for this man.
Job deep down knows that his only hope is in God, though for now Job feels as if God has abandoned him and there is no possible solution for him, but God is still in control and we will see that come in later readings.
Whom can you count on that will not let you down? Thank God we all have (or should have) those on whom we can count. There are several that I know I can call at any hour of the day or night and they would respond. Yet, like most, I am one who seeks to solve my challenges as quickly as I can on my own. I don't like to bother people. Where I to find myself like Job then I would call on some to help me.
What would you do if you lost everything? Who would you call? What would that do to your faith and hope? Would you still believe God is in charge and in control or would you go through a period of doubt like Job? I think the honest answer is that we all would go through a period of questioning about our situation and the why behind it, and certainly the why did God permit this question as well. But the person of deep, true faith, would say ultimately, God is still God and God still loves me.
PRAYER: For this day I give you thanks, O God and I pray that I can be one who helps those in need see the light of hope beyond their situation. I pray this in Jesus' Name, amen.
Have a great and blessed day in the Lord!