Tuesday, August 07, 2007


Good day dear friends.
Our brother in Christ, Ed Teeter underwent a procedure to drain blood from his head yesterday afternoon at St. David's Hospital in Austin. I visited with him prior but have not heard how it went. Please keep Ed and Nancy and family in your prayers.
Here is our study guide for today:
Tuesday: Job 1, 2, 3What are several indications of Job’s goodness?
In this version, we find the man Job as one to be "honest inside and out, a man of his word, who was totally devoted to God and hated evil with a passion." He was blessed and he knew it as he returned thanks to God for these blessings. He was also a man of prayer and worship, because after every party/celebration his children had, Job would offer up worship and forgiveness on the part of his children just in case "one of them sinned by defying God inwardly."
As he suffered loss, Job never lost faith. Even at the loss of all his children he was not angry with God. His own wife came and mocked him asking why he continued to be the way he was, when he could curse God and die. Not even that could shake Job's goodness.
How strong are we in our faith? What shakes us? What makes us give up on God? In the good and in the bad, we belong to God and should bless Him.
PRAYER: Loving God, let me bless and love you in the good and in the bad. Stand by me today and help me overcome all that comes my way. Let my life shine the goodness of Your love living in me. I pray in Jesus' name, amen.
Have a great and blessed day in the Lord!