Monday, August 20, 2007


Good day dear friends.
A special prayer to all parents dropping off their "babies" at college. One never gets used to the emotional rollercoaster of being excited that one's child is a college student and that s/he can't possibly be that old to be living away from Mom and Dad! Such is the situation from here in Denton. We're thankful to the Lord for opportunities of education and sad that we find ourselves without the delightful company of one's youngest daughter.
Here is our study guide for today:
Monday: Job 42Do you interpret this closing summary of Job’s life literally or figuratively? Why?
The better question would be, did you follow the story and its implications? To me it didn't hit me until yesterday during the 11 o'clock sermon. Job was too busy countering his friends and hearing their negative assessments of him, that he didn't make the time to truly go to God. He spoke to God, more in a heated rant, but he never stopped to humbly approach God and worship God as he confessed his sins. Once he did that, God restored him.
This happens to us. If some crisis or challenge comes along it becomes much too easy to seek immediate relief and solutions before going to God. It can become too easy to be distracted by wellmeaning friends whose ideas and comments keep us from approaching the Lord. A good rule of thumb should be, go to God first, listen for what God may share and then with the Spirit's assistance, you can listen to what God may say through friends or others. But once you let God have full control you'll be in a better position to move forward the way God would have you move.
As humans, we can't help but think that Job was never fully restored; the loss of his first children can never be replaced by "new" children, though their presence and love can help in healing. The same could be said for longtime servants and workers.
Seek the fullness of life through Jesus Christ today. Seek the Lord today and share with Him all that you're going through and let Him take full control and guidance of your life.
PRAYER: Come, loving Spirit, and search me. Fill me with the fullness of life as Jesus intended for me. Let me be guided by You. Take control of my challenges and crises and be glorified. I ask this in Jesus' Name, amen.
Have a great and blessed day in the Lord!