Tuesday, August 14, 2007


Good day dear friends.
Here is our study guide for today:
Tuesday: Job 22, 23, 24In his suffering, Job seems to have become even more sensitive to the needs of the poor. Summarize his insights on the plight of the poor in Job 24.
Coming after the third attack by Eliphaz, in which he accuses Job of not caring for the poor, Job shows that he does indeed know of their plight. Job knows all the scenarios the poor must encounter: searching for food in alleyways like stray dogs, trying to get handouts through the kindness of strangers, shivering in the cold or suffering through the sweltering heat because of no shelter, this is the lot of the poor. Job also knows of their powerlessness, how they can easily lose what little they have including their nursing children.
Has that changed much from Job's day to now? No, the description given by Job is the same if you drive through certain parts of your town or city. The more important question, are you aware of the poor and what they suffer and need?
PRAYER: O God, Your Son Jesus said we would always have the poor, but this was not to dismiss them but to show that they need our attention and care. Make it so in our lives today. We pray in Jesus' Name, amen.
Have a great and blessed day in the Lord!