Friday, January 21, 2005


Good day dear friends.

As we begin our time of devotion, let us lift up the family of Willis Cude who died yesterday. A wonderful Christian man, he will be missed by many. His funeral will be Monday in our church at 10 a.m. Burial will be at the Lockhart City Cemetery immediately afterward. Visitation will be at Penningtons on Sunday afternoon. Please call the church office for more information.

If you've called the church office in the last couple of days you may have noticed that Shirley is no longer with us. Due to some family concerns she had to leave us on Tuesday and we hope to find a replacement for her soon. Lydia Reynolds is temporarily filling in for us as administrative assistant.

As we continue to study forgiveness, let's ask this question: Have we learned to forgive the Vietnamese? The Japanese? The Germans? The Taliban?

Here is our study guide for today.

Friday: For this Friday, let us pray for our national enemies. Let us pray for those personal enemies, such as illness, poverty, distress, anxiety, despair, whatever seeks to rob us of the fullness of life. Pray for wisdom and understanding on how we can make a difference towards these enemies and in the lives of those we love who are being attacked by these.

As much as we as Americans believe we do good for the world, some countries and some individuals just hate us. They resent who we are and what we stand for. Some are willing to give their lives in taking American lives. These are not heroic acts in any sense of the word, these are acts of hatred. Yet, Jesus' words speak to us and our nation; we are to love even these people. We are even to pray for them.

So spend some time praying blessings upon those whose hearts against us are filled with hatred. Let God deal with them. Let peace from God fill their hearts and ours.

PRAYER: Gracious God of all people. It is so hard to follow Your teachings sometimes. Give us a heart like Yours so that we may indeed love our enemies and to pray for those who persecute us. We pray in Jesus' name, amen.

**DON'T FORGET!! Sunday, "Leaving Desire Behind" a sermon on Jesus' words in Matthew 5:27-30. Come and join in the worship of an awesome God who loves us so much. God is worthy of our praise! And no better place to praise than in God's house!!

***AND AND AND: Sunday night is our Gospel Night and Fish Fry starting at 5:30. We'll be starting with the "soul food" in the church, having a great time of music and praise then we'll move to the Activities Building for some great "body food." Tickets are still available by calling Sherry DeMarcay at the church.

Have a blessed day!
