Friday, January 28, 2005

A Prayer for Today

Friday: For our day of prayer pray for those who suffer an unhealthy appetite for the things of the flesh. May the Lord who reigns in all areas of our lives come to live in a healthy way in our hearts that indeed we may be His as we seek Him in all things.

Gracious God, we live in a beautiful world. All your hands have created is good. We are the ones who distort and abuse of your creation and for that we ask forgiveness. We were created wonderfully. We were created in Your image. We were given wonderful appetites that have helped us stay alive, loved, and strong. But we ask forgiveness and help for those appetites that get out of control sometimes. Give us the mind of Christ so that we might have Your eyes, to appreciate and to understand, to cherish and honor, instead of lusting and wanting and using. We know now that Your son Jesus wanted us to respect one another and to see one another as brothers and sisters in Your love and not as objects to be desired and used. Our special prayer is for those who might be addicted to pornography that Your grace would break those bonds and bring them to a deeper appreciation of your creation. Bless us and let us be a blessing to you. We pray in Jesus' name. Amen.

Have a great day today and a wonderful weekend. Please be in prayer for the junior high of our church who are going to their Midwinter Retreat in Leakey, Texas. We pray safe travel for all who are to be there this weekend.

Don't forget about being in worship this weekend! The week ahead just isn't the same without being in God's House!

