Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Use The Mirror!

The Bible has been called the mirror of our soul. We can hold it up against ourselves and see just where we are, who we are, where we need to be and Whose we need to be.

For today here is our study guide:

Wednesday: Here’s our action for today. Study the state of your heart. Does it yearn for God and God’s heart? Or are you still sitting on your own throne of your heart ruling your life for your own pleasures? This is exactly what Jesus was preaching against. Examine your heart in a way that will bring fullness of life to you as you seek God to rule your life.

What does your heart desire? We've set goals for ourselves and tried to realize our dreams and that's not a bad thing in and of itself. But have we stopped to listen to God's leading to see where God would lead us? For many years I thought I wanted to be a doctor, but for the wrong reasons. This was back in the days when doctors made real money! ;) Way before HMOs and PPOs and other acronyms for "Making Insurance Money." It was in a slow, gradual way that I came to realize that talking about God and God's love was what made me happy. I yearned to be in church, Sunday school, youth group, etc. It was through those experiences that I heard God calling.

If your dreams and goals reflect a selfcenteredness, today is your day. This is the day to let go and let God. Let God rule your life with love, joy, and peace. Seek God's fulfillment for your life so that you will know that you're indeed serving Him. If you're out for conquests, let you be the first conquered by God. Let your heart yearn for the One the only one, who can bring you true fulfillment.

PRAYER: God of life, come into my heart to stay. Come in today, conquer me and my selfishness. Rule in my life with your love, joy, and peace. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Have a great and blessed day!
