Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Amazing God of all days, bless and protect this dear reader; in Christ Jesus' name I pray, amen.

Our text for today is from 2 Timothy 4: 6 You take over. I'm about to die, my life an offering on God's altar. 7 This is the only race worth running. I've run hard right to the finish, believed all the way. 8 All that's left now is the shouting - God's applause! Depend on it, he's an honest judge. He'll do right not only by me, but by everyone eager for his coming. 16 At my preliminary hearing no one stood by me. They all ran like scared rabbits. But it doesn't matter - 17 the Master stood by me and helped me spread the Message loud and clear to those who had never heard it. I was snatched from the jaws of the lion! 18 God's looking after me, keeping me safe in the kingdom of heaven. All praise to him, praise forever! Oh, yes!

I have been there. You may have as well. Feeling abandoned and alone, knowing that only God was standing by us. Thankfully, we were not being condemned to die, but it sure may have felt like it, though God's peace just streamed steadily and strongly into our hearts. And, thank God, all the while showing the Gospel as it was meant to be shared, a message of love, joy, and peace. And isnt' that what we pray everytime we receive Holy Communion, something about our being a "living sacrifice?"

Whatever trial you may be facing, be it medical, emotional, financial, etc., hear this and hear it good, God is with you. Say it softly, "God is with me." Then as you live today and go about your chores and obligations, say it with your actions. God is with me! No trial coming our way is bigger than our God. No time coming our way will be a time when we stand alone.

PRAYER: Loving God, thank You for the life and witness of Paul. His love for you came from Your love for him. Help me to have that love for You, for myself, and for others. Stay with me, stay close to me. Let me be an example to You in all things and in all ways. I pray this in Christ Jesus' precious and powerful name, amen.

Have a great and blessed day in the Lord.

Eradio Valverde