Thursday, October 07, 2010


Loving God of all decisions, bless the life of this dear reader in whatever decisions they make; in Christ Jesus I pray, amen.

Here is our text for today: Psalm 66: 1 All together now - applause for God! 2 Sing songs to the tune of his glory, set glory to the rhythms of his praise. 3 Say of God, "We've never seen anything like him!" When your enemies see you in action, they slink off like scolded dogs. 4 The whole earth falls to its knees - it worships you, sings to you, can't stop enjoying your name and fame. 5 Take a good look at God's wonders - they'll take your breath away. 6 He converted sea to dry land; travelers crossed the river on foot. Now isn't that cause for a song? 7 Ever sovereign in his high tower, he keeps his eye on the godless nations. Rebels don't dare raise a finger against him. 8 Bless our God, O peoples! Give him a thunderous welcome! 9 Didn't he set us on the road to life? Didn't he keep us out of the ditch? 10 He trained us first, passed us like silver through refining fires, 11 Brought us into hardscrabble country, pushed us to our very limit, 12 Road-tested us inside and out, took us to hell and back; Finally he brought us to this well-watered place.

As I have shared about a vision about "purpose in the pew," this Psalm speaks to me about that. As we sit in our places on our worship day, it should be done so with some reflective time on where we have been and how God has guided, blessed, and protected us to that point. We should think back on those times we felt alone, afraid, hungry, thirsty, naked, unloved, unwelcomed, unvisited, and then realize God was there and God usually sent someone to take care of our need. This version says that God has brought us "to this well-watered place." Our worship of God should be a time of great and joyous celebration! Every word, every song or hymn, every prayer, every sermon, should reflect the awesome gratitude in our hearts to our God. It should start on our worship day, but continue through the night of that day, carry over into the next day with our saying with our mouths, hands, minds, "We've never seen anything like God!" (v. 3). And let that attitude of gratitude take you to the highest altitude where you will say, "God is awesome because I see what God has done all around!"

So, dear friend, as your prepare for your worship day, prepare your mind, heart, spirit, and body to just give thanks and praise and to do so in a way that never ends. Your purpose, besides worshiping God, is to bring others with you to the same place in their lives that has blessed you.

PRAYER: Loving God, you are an awesome God and let me begin right now in saying, "I have never seen anything like You and the things that You do for me and for so many." Keep me in that frame of mind as I go forth today in all that lies before me, and let me just climb higher and higher in my appreciation for You. Help me be contagious for You so that others will come to know You like I do. I ask this in Christ Jesus' precious and powerful name, amen!

Have a great and blessed day in the Lord!

Eradio Valverde