Friday, June 27, 2008


Good day dear friends.

As we pray this morning I lift up Harlingen Police Officer Carlos
Diaz, who was shot Wednesday night. During a routine traffic stop
before Officer Diaz could get out of his patrol car, a suspect opened
fire on him hitting him multiple times. Thank God Mr. Diaz is now
listed in fair condition as being in serious and critical condition.
Also, the suspect in the shooting has been captured in Matamoros,
Mexico, and turned over to US authorities. The suspect is only 18
years old and is facing attempted capital murder charges. Pray for
police officers everywhere. My son-in-law Eric is one, so this is
very personal to me and to our family. Pray for their safety and
protection in the line of duty.

Our text this morning comes from Matthew 18:14: "Let the little
children come to me, and do not stop them; for it is to such as these
that the kingdom of heaven belongs."

This week has been a great week at our church and maybe more
churches. Our Vacation Bible School is going on and man is it
noisy! But noise is good! Very good! It speaks of the life of a
church to attract enough children to make noise! From 1:30 until
5:30 our kids have been "Surfing the Scriptures." Our building has
been transformed into a beach setting and it's neat seeing surfboards
in the sanctuary, sand in our fellowship hall, and kids dancing to
surf music and "hanging ten" when the key word of the day is shared.
Kids belong to the Lord and belong in the church. It is the prayer
and hope of all that being at a VBS or in a Sunday school class a
seed might be planted that will result in something great coming of
it. Jesus knew the value of children and so in today's passage
speaks to His disciples about allowing children to come to Him and
then He says "for it is to such as these that the kingdom of heaven

PRAYER: Loving God and Father of us all, we pray for the children
today. We pray that seeds of love and hope be planted in each one.
May what they hear about You bring fruit of a life lived in obedience
to You. Among the kids running through Your house are tomorrow's
pastors, evangelists, active lay members, doctors, lawyers, and such;
grant that your kingdom on earth be blessed by these. Remove from us
all any negative thoughts about noise or sand or papers left here or
there; may these be the footprints of faith! In Jesus' Name, the
friend and savior of all children we pray, amen.

Have a great and blessed day in the Lord!
