Thursday, June 26, 2008


Good day dear friends.

Here is today's text: Mark 4:37 A great windstorm arose, and the waves beat into the boat, so that the boat was already being swamped. 38 But he was in the stern, asleep on the cushion"

I have never taken a cruise, but perhaps I will. Let's just say I don't go out looking for a cruise. My daughter and our son-in-law and his family swear by them, as I'm sure many of you do. "Oh, the food, there's nonstop food! And things to do!" Yeah, all on a boat, in the middle of the ocean with no way to say, "Stop this thing I want to get off." I've had friends who have served in the Navy and their stories of storms at sea were enough to convince me that dry land is a better place to weather a hurricane.

Not so Jesus. I thought of this story as I awoke this morning and I found it in Mark 4. The day for Jesus started with His sharing of the parable of the sower, all from the boat to the crowd on dry land (Guess where I would have been!). Jesus then shares more stories and then they set off from shore to cross the sea. Verse 37 says that "a great windstorm arose ("squall" in the NIV) and the waves beat into the boat" (see why I don't want to do a cruise!), and "the boat was already being swamped." The disciples, who were mostly fishermen by trade, are freaking out; they fear this might be their death. But the carpenter, Jesus, is asleep on a cushion, as peaceful as He could be. The disciples awaken Jesus and ask Him if He doesn't care they are perishing and Jesus "rebukes the wind" and all is calm.

We face many storms in life. Some make us think we are perishing. Yet if we know we have Jesus with us, we should be the ones who can weather and even defeat the storms. Jesus is a calm influence in our lives. Jesus knows the outcomes of all our decisions and Jesus will not get involved unless we invite Him to. I don't believe Jesus sleeps anymore. The Psalmist in Psalm 121 said he "neither slumbers nor sleeps." He keeps a vigil over us, but we have to invite Him to be a part of our lives, every day and at every moment. He will respond.

PRAYER: Lord of all things, and Lord of ours, help me today as I weather the storms of life. You know what I am facing and I turn it over to you. Help me to see the calm that comes by inviting You. It is in Your Name that I pray, amen.

Have a great and blessed day in the Lord!
