Monday, July 21, 2008

iPartner: The Worship of God

Good day dear friends.

Our prayers for the families of Ruth Avey and Jodie Polk. On our way back to Harlingen, we stopped to worship at FUMC-San Marcos and we learned of the deaths of these two friends in the faith. Ruth died on Friday, I believe, and Jodie died on Saturday. Jodie had been battling cancer for a long time, and Ruth died after surgery.

Also, our prayer for our new bishop, James Dorff. He begins work as our bishop in September. Our continued prayers for Bishop Joel Martinez as he finishes his tenure with us and retires from fulltime ministry. Bishop Martinez has accepted a parttime position with Methodist Healthcare Ministries in San Antonio.

Our theme this week in on service. As we make our vows to join the UM Church we promise to support the church with our service.

Our text for today is Psalm 150: Praise the LORD! Praise God in his sanctuary; praise him in his mighty firmament! 2 Praise him for his mighty deeds; praise him according to his surpassing greatness! 3 Praise him with trumpet sound; praise him with lute and harp! 4 Praise him with tambourine and dance; praise him with strings and pipe! 5 Praise him with clanging cymbals; praise him with loud clashing cymbals! 6 Let everything that breathes praise the LORD! Praise the LORD!

To talk about service we begin with the worship of God. Most churches use music. Either a church has a pianist or organist or both, or even if they use a cassette player or CD player, someone is needed for either playing or operating the device to provide music in worship. The Psalmist knew of the importance of music in worship and lists all the instruments that he has seen or played in worship: trumpets, lutes, harps, tambourines, strings, pipes, cymbals, make that "loud clashing cymbals"!

The Psalmist could not play all those instruments at once. David, credited as the author of most, if not all, the psalms, was a musician. He played the lute and the lyre, and certainly was a "dancer" as is mentioned in the Psalm. He knew that others could give of themselves and serve the Lord in this manner.

What is your talent and desire for serving God in worship? Does you church allow you to volunteer to do something in worship or prior to worship? Have you ever thought about being a Communion steward or assistant steward, those who prepare the elements for Communion? Do you sing in the choir (and yes, summer is a bad time to get inspired to sing in one because most are on "vacation," but talk to any choir director NOW and s/he will say, "Come on down!"), or play in a praise band? Would you like to stay after worship and clean up the pews of discarded bulletins and other papers from your worship service? This is especially helpful if you worship early and you know there is a second service coming.

Whatever your talent or gift, serve the Lord!

PRAYER: Giver of all gifts, make me aware of what I can do to serve You in worship. Speak to me after I say "amen." Let me be a part of those who are glad to be involved in Your worship. I ask this in Jesus' precious Name, amen.

Have a great and blessed day in the Lord!
