Thursday, March 15, 2007


Good day dear friends.
Please be in prayer for Pam Sueltenfuss who is in critical condition at CTMC. Please pray for comfort for her husband Gene.
Here is our study guide for today:
Thursday: Just two chapters today: 37 and 38. Can you put yourself in Jacob’s place and list the positive characteristics you see in Joseph? Now try putting yourself in the place of Joseph’s brothers and list the negative qualities you see in him.
This is an interesting question for an interesting young man. First thing I notice is not so positive, Joseph is a tattle-tale! He goes and spies on his brothers and brings "reports" back on them. Not my idea of the ideal brother!
On the positive side, he was the son "of his old age" meaning that when Jacob was old, his favorite wife, Rachel, gave birth to him. This wife died when giving birth to her second son, Benjamin. But I suppose we could add obedient to the list of positive qualities. He loved his dad and cared for the wellbeing of his dad's livelihood and so the reports were intended to keep the dad informed of what was and wasn't going on in the business of tending herds of sheep.
As for his brothers, I've listed the first and most annoying trait that of "squealing" on them. The other would be that he was "Daddy's little favorite boy" made evident by the fact that Israel (Jacob's new name) made for him a special coat. Then Joseph had two dreams that showed him in a position of power over his entire family. To tell this to older brothers, especially half-brothers, would make usually most, very angry.
This makes for the question of the day: How is it with your siblings and your relationship with them? Are you where you should be or is there reconciliation needed? Have you made contact with them recently or would you honestly have to admit you're estranged from them? Family is important, though honestly, sometimes conflicts do arise. Can we rise above conflict and differences to let love reign?
PRAYER: Loving God bless my brothers and sisters. Let me rise above whatever has divided my relationships in the past. Let me be Your person, a person of love. I pray in Jesus' name, amen.
Have a great and blessed day in the Lord!