Wednesday, March 21, 2007


Good day dear friends.
Here is our study guide for today:
Wednesday: Read Exodus 1 and 2. As you consider the down, up, and down again of Moses’ life in these two chapters, can you draw a comparison and an application for your own life?
For those of you faithfully following the readings, congratulations! We've now completed the first book of the Bible! Pat yourself on the back! We come now to the story of Israel in Egypt after Joseph dies. The central character for a while will be Moses and he had a most interesting life. Please read the first two chapters which follow.
Moses was born during a time that a governmental order was in effect to kill all Hebrew babies. This was a foreshadowing of Jesus' birth, for He too was born under a similar order. Both were deliverers serving God and God protected both of them. Moses' mom took risks. She, like other Hebrew mothers did not want her son killed. She hid him for three months and then decided to try to see if there was a way to get Pharoah's daughter to adopt this baby. Her plan worked, Moses was adopted. The clever thing was that Moses' sister, Miriam, was there to ask if the new mother needed a wet nurse to nurse the baby until he was weaned. Of course, Miriam knew the perfect mother, Moses' own! Until he was weaned, Moses was raised in his own Hebrew household. He now comes into a life of privilege he goes! Moses is raised as an Egyptian in the palace. Yet, he never forgot where he was from and who he was.
Moses fought for injustice, though murder was not and should not be a part of justice, but his involvement in this murder causes him to leave Egypt to flee for his life. He heads to Midian where he is taken into a family, marries into it, has a family and awaits there the death of Pharoah so that he can return.
All of our lives have ups and down and ups again. Through it all, God sees us through. At no point should we ever give up or think that God is finished with us, He's not. Whatever the challenge or the obstacle, God is with us and will see us through it.
PRAYER: Loving God, help me today in what I face. Whatever the challenge or obstacle, it is not greater than You and together we can face it and overcome it. I trust You. I pray in Jesus' name, amen.
Have a great and blessed day in the Lord!