Thursday, March 22, 2007


Good day dear friends.
Here is our study guide for today:
Thursday: Please find and read Exodus 3 and 4. Make a list of Moses’ several objections to what God was asking him to do. Which of these examples fit your life and similar hesitancy in responding to God’s call?
If you've ever tried to recruit someone to do something as a volunteer, let's say in the church, why not, you will hear excuses. Sometimes you will hear what you never thought you'd hear, but that's another story. As a pastor you can imagine I've heard them all. A dear mentor in ministry used to jokingly say, "I'd love to but the kitty is having puppies today!" En Espanol, of course, and it was always great for a laugh. But Moses had a right to be apprehensive about his saying yes. He was a wanted criminal back in Egypt and for God to call him to return there was for him to risk being arrested and executed for his crime of murder.
But he begins with the great excuse, I'm not worthy. Or the who-am-I-to-be-called-by-God excuse? God puts those aside, yes, even in our case. God usually says, "You are my son/daughter and I can use you!"
Moses then tries the "I hate speaking in public" or "I stutter and stammer as I speak," and again God says to Moses and to us, if you go, I will go with you, and I will give you the words. Just yesterday someone said, "I don't know how preachers do it week after week, to have to come up with a sermon..." I told him if it wasn't for God we wouldn't. And it's true. It is God who gives us the words, if we trust Him and listen to Him.
Moses didn't say this one, but it was implied and God knew it: I hate going alone. God said that Aaron, Moses' brother could go with him and help him. Jesus employed this later on in His ministry. One can better serve God by going in twos on those calls that are best served in twos.
What has God asked of you? What has been your excuse? Have you prayed and asked, "God speak to me about what I should do?" And have you given God time and peace and quiet to speak to you? I know that it will be when we give God a turn to speak that God will put aside our excuse and use us for His purposes and glory.
PRAYER: Loving God, I thank You for being with me. Speak to me today about what I should be doing for You. Take my excuses and turn them into energies needed to serve. I pray in Jesus' name, amen.
Have a great and blessed day!