Thursday, March 29, 2007


Good day dear friends.
Here is our study guide for today: Thursday: Exodus 21,22, & 23. Find four or five examples of biblical laws dealing with the common things that have their basis in a sense of justice or of divine purpose.
I filled up a good portion of my paper with a list of common things that have their basis in a sense of justice or divine justice.
God demands us to be fair. There are some very interesting and relevent things that deal with today in these three chapters that we blindedly forget in the name of national security, patriotism, etc. There's a community outside of Dallas that has been in the news lately because of their fear/hatred of undocumented immigrants. Read carefully the words of Exodus 22. God says, "Do not abuse or mistreat strangers (foreigners in the original translations), and repeats that again in Exodus 23 reminding the Israelites as He can us, "Remember you were once strangers (foreigners) in this land." There's a mention of true worship and God says plainly, "No one should show up before me empty-handed."
The basis for most of our laws can be found in what is known as the Mosaic Code, which is found in these pages of Exodus. God revealed to us how to get along and be good neighbors and true brothers and sisters with other humans. Why do we so easily follow the "crowd" (that is shared also in the chapters today) and follow passions and fears instead of Godly decrees?
PRAYER: Speak to me loving God about how I need to live and love. Let me follow You and not the demands of the crowd. Let me be an example to others. I pray this in Jesus' name, amen.
Have a great and blessed day in the Lord!