Saturday, March 17, 2007


Good day dear friends.
A Praise: Our oldest daughter, Nellie, spent a week with us this week and drove up with us to Denton where we picked up Caitlin for her week with us this coming week. Please pray for all who are on the highways this weekend as spring breakers return back to school and others return home or head to the coast.
Here is our study guide for today: Saturday: Please read Genesis 41&42 and see what dream Joseph interprets. Notice that he gives credit to God. Is this similar to what he did as a boy when reporting his dream to his family?
Going back to Genesis 37 we find the first dreams of this man Joseph when he was a boy. There is no mention of God in those dreams and they come across as a little boy with big dreams, self-centered as they may seem. But in today's readings, the little boy has come to maturity in his faith and realizes the presence of God in all things, even dreams, and so does not hesitate to give credit where credit is due, God.
How do you treat every area of your life? Is God seen in every area or have you set limits to where you think God is present? Friends, it's in all areas or nothing. Give God what God is due, even in your dreams, and more importantly when those dreams come true.
PRAYER: Loving God, make me able to see You in all areas of my life. You know my dreams be in them. When those dreams come true, help me not forget that You were there then and now. I pray in Jesus' name, amen.
Have a great and blessed day in the Lord!