Monday, March 12, 2007


Good day dear friends. We start week three of reading our way through the Bible. I hope you're keeping up with the assignments!
Here is our study guide for today:
Monday: Please find and read chapters 28, 29, and 30 in Genesis. Make a list of characteristics you observe in Laban and Jacob. Do you have any of these in you?
What a list we could make for the two and for ourselves as well! Being humans, we find them to be a bit greedy. These three chapters tell the story of Jacob and Laban. Esau is in this story briefly, but it centers on how Jacob became the father of the nation of Israel. He meets Rachel, his first cousin, falls in love with her and asks his uncle if he can marry her. Rachel's father is Laban and he says that he can work seven years for him and he will give him Rachel. After seven years he is given Leah, Rachel's older sister because Laban says in his country the youngest cannot marry before the oldest. Jacob complains and Laban says he will give him Rachel after a week's honeymoon, but he will have to work another seven years to fulfill his obligation to him for this exchange. The story says that each of Laban's daughter receives a maid as part of the marriage, and this is important to note because the maids become wives ultimately to Jacob, and mothers of his children. We find Jacob being treated, some would say paid back, the way he treated his own father and brother when he cheated them of rightful blessings and birthright.
We find further disception when Jacob asks to be paid for his labor with all the spotted and speckled lambs. Laban removes these lambs from the flock to force Jacob to stay longer and work longer for him. Jacob devises a plan to make more spotted and speckled lambs thus allowing him to leave earlier.
Hmm, could you and I be like that? I pray not! But the reality is the temptation is to get by with whatever we can. Does that make it right? Of course not. This story further proves the Bible hides nothing, it tells the honest story of humanity and our need for God. May this story speak to us about the need to be as God would have us be.
PRAYER: Loving God, forgive me when I've been just like Jacob and Laban. Set me on a higher plane, one that serves You and Yours. I pray in Jesus' name, amen.
Have a great day in the Lord!