Tuesday, March 27, 2007


Good day dear friends.
Here is our study guide for today:
Tuesday: Exodus 16, 17, & 18. Make a list of the variety of ways, in these chapters, that God met Israel’s needs.
When God is involved in our lives, lists and lists of things He does on our behalf are sure to follow. And this was no exception in the mass movement of His people out of Egypt and into the wilderness. As you do the readings recommended for today you will discover this list: God provided food. God provided for the people of Israel meat and bread. Quail would fly into their camp for meat and in the morning after the fog lifted a fine, good tasting bread was provided; this was called manna.
God also provided a day of rest and worship called the Sabbath. They knew about it but didn't live it (sound familiar?). God didn't want them to work on this day; instead it was meant as a day to worship Him and rest for the upcoming week.
God provided water when the people were thirsty. In a miraculous way, as had been all that God had done thus far, Moses struck a rock and water gushed from it to quench the thrist of the people.
God provided guidance through someone else. Moses was listening to thousands of cases of complaints and judgments and it was Jethro, his father-in-law who suggested delegating the responsibility of work to competent God-fearing man who could hear the routine cases and the hard cases would still come to Moses.
What a list! And isn't it the same in our lives? God provides what we need if we look for it or ask for it. If God leads our lives we'll be led right to where what we need can be found.
What do you need? Are you letting God lead you to it? Do it and see if wonderful things aren't yours soon!
PRAYER: God who leads, lead me today into your arms for love and protection and lead my life to where I can best serve You. I ask this in the name of He who followed you and died for me, Jesus my Lord, amen.
Have a great and blessed day in the Lord!