Saturday, April 07, 2007


Good Holy Saturday dear friends. Today was the day of waiting for the disciples. Not having much to do they hid Easter eggs; no just kidding! Although it has become a tradition for the Christian church, and ours gets started later today.
Here is our study guide for today: Saturday: Lev. 10, 11Why were Aaron and his other sons not to mourn the death of Nadab and Abihu?
We share The Message version for its ease in reading, but being a paraphrase and one that seeks to be modern, we miss some of the real meaning in some of the words. Today's question involves the wrongdoing by two of Aaron's sons, Nadab and Abihu. The Message version says they offered "strange" fire and if we had no other reference, we wouldn't know what that was. The New Revised Standard Version said this was "unholy" fire, which makes it easier to understand. God had instructed them to follow His commands and not to go off and do whatever they felt like doing and apparently that included the offering fire. It one offers an unholy fire to the Lord then God will not accept it. In this case it cost Nadab and Abihu their lives.
Their death for disobedience caused Moses to order his brother Aaron not to mourn their deaths. He told them that the whole congregation would mourn their deaths, but he and his remaining sons were to continue in their service to God.
The worship of God was seen as something very serious and sacred. To be obedient to God in worship was to strictly follow all that God ordered; to veer from that had its consequences. The very basic of the components of worship had to be faithful acts. To burn an unholy fire was to make the one offering it up unholy, and to be unholy in the holiest of places made one vulnerable to death.
After the sacrifice of Christ, our worship is still as sacred and serious but not in the form and format. Jesus became the High Priest for us and truly is the "bridge" (Latin for priest is ponte; Spanish word is puente) between God and humans. Ours is a relationship form of worship more than a ritual one. God desires us to be holy in our hearts, minds, bodies, and spirits so that we can truly feel His presence and His leading.
Are you ready for Lent to end? The Resurrection of Jesus marks the celebration of God's awesome power showing us that we do indeed have victory over sin and death. Are you ready? What will you do about it?
PRAYER: Loving God of Resurrection Power, bring new life to my life. Help me to be in an honest and true relationship with us. I ask this in Jesus' name, amen.
Have a great and blessed day in the Lord!
See you at one of our services tomorrow: 7, 8:30, 9:45, 10:45 Contemporary, 11:00 Traditional. Or if you live outside of SM, find a church to worship in!