Monday, April 02, 2007


Good day dear friends. Happy Holy Week! Please be in prayer for this week's special services at our church (or yours if you're an out-of-town reader!). Ours will be Thursday and Friday at 7 p.m.
Here is our study guide for today: Monday: Exodus 34, 35,36 Ponder the second giving of the Law and the renewed promise that came with it, and compare the “second chance” God has brought to your life.
Our God is a God of second, third, fourth, fifth, infinite chances. I personally am thankful for the many "second chances" I have received in my life. In today's reading, Moses receives once again the Law as given by God along with God's promise to be with them and to guide and protect them. Their obligation was to be obedient and faithful to God. God is pretty specific with Israel as they are about to enter the land of other gods and warns them not to be attracted by their style of worship. Israel was a monotheistic culture and they were entering into a land filled with sex religions and many gods. God warns them to stay away from those who practiced such things.
What second chance has God brought to your life recently and what have you done about it? How have you shown your gratitude to the Lord?
PRAYER: God of many chances, I thank you for being my God and for giving me new opportunities to serve. Let me serve You and Yours, and let me show my gratitude to You in any and every way that I can. I pray in Jesus' name, amen.
Have a great and blessed day in the Lord!