Thursday, April 05, 2007


Good day dear friends.
Today is Maundy Thursday, named so for the "New Commandment" given to the disciples on that night. Remember what it was? To love one another. It seems almost like what most parents tell their children, to love one another.
Here is the study guide for today: Thursday: Leviticus 4,5,6Why do we have to deal with “unintentionally” committed sins? In what way can we say it is a sin if we didn’t commit it intentionally?
"I wasn't thinking..." or "I didn't know I was..." or "What was I thinking?" We've been there and said that because of something we did then realized it was wrong. And the Israelites were no exception. And God knew it. We sometimes sin "unintentionally" because we don't "think." And "think" in this case refers to living an unled, unprayed-for, life. Not that any of us are perfect and don't sin either intentionally or unintentionally; we do sin. A sin is anytime we commit something that "misses the mark." Like missing the bulleye on a target, to sin is to fall short of what God expects. We do that whether we're thinking or not, and usually more when we're not thinking.
God makes provision for us to be cleaned of this through Jesus. In the passages for today, God provided the cleansing through the prescribed formula we find in the passages. Note that the animal that should be sacrificed for an unintentional sin is a bull. It's as if to say, there's no such thing as a "little sin." A sin is a sin just like a lie is a lie even if we say, "It's just a little white lie."
What are you thinking? And Who's guiding you?
PRAYER: Loving God, I ask forgiveness for not thinking and for breaking Your law and hurting others all because I did not think. Guide me to a deeper understanding of what you offer. Guide me daily, I pray in Jesus' name, amen.
Have a great and blessed day in the Lord!