Friday, April 13, 2007


Good day dear friends.
Here is our study guide: Friday: Leviticus 25, 26, 27Some hold that Old Testament historians wrote like prophets and the prophets wrote like historians. Find an example of that in today's reading where the author of Leviticus sounds like a prophet.
A prophet is a spokesperson for God. Literally, the word means "mouth piece," so any one would speaks for God is speaking what God has directed him or her to share. Prophets are not necessarily people who can see into the future and predict things, mostly they are those who can speak God's relevant word to a particular situation. Some prophets do foretell coming events because God has shared that particular vision. In either case, usually it is a word that speaks God's concern for the way the people are behaving, and a word that urges them to reform or repent. A historian records events with his or her interpretation about the situation. If they survive their time, these words become the written history of those events experienced.
As you read today's passage, see where you hear a historian speaking and see where you hear a prophet speaking. But in both, be open to where God is speaking, especially to you!
PRAYER: Loving God, may this day be a historic day in which You write on the pages of my heart Your love. Let me be a part of writing Your love on someone else's heart today as well. In Jesus' name, amen.
Have a great and blessed day in the Lord!